Liz & Fabienne


The report is in your inbox. You’re now also auto-logged in to Tourism Tribe (an email has been sent with your login details). 

You’ll also find your report on your dashboard.

You may not know but we at Tourism Tribe run most of our training online. 

Since the Aussie Bushfires and the start of COVID-19, we’ve been contacted by numerous Tourism organisations to run recovery workshops for their businesses. 

If you’d like to talk about what we can offer, please book at time below to have a chat with Liz:

Crisis Management & Disaster Recovery

All businesses need to have in place a disaster recovery strategy that aims to quickly re-establish activity for economic recovery. 

The Tourism Tribe team is experienced in the creation of disaster recovery plans for destinations, councils and tourism businesses and can quickly respond to tailor a plan for you that will ensure effective communications and marketing using the right tools and templates. 

The Strategy includes:

  1. Stakeholder consultation, communications plan including a checklist, creation of templates, formulas for development of pre bushfire season campaigns and post-disaster campaigns
  2. Development and delivery of two industry workshops
  3. Development of a micro-website (or website pages on your existing site) to access and maintain industry resources
  4. Advice on how to establish a best practice consumer and industry database and email marketing system.
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