business improvement

Graphic saying Seven Super Digital Tools to Improve Your bBusines: Save time, save money, reduce risk, collaborate, improve marketing
business improvement

Seven super digital tools to save you time and money in your business

There are many apps and online tools designed for personal and small business use that will save money and improve productivity through time savings, improved customer experience, better team collaboration and project communications. In this post we explain our favourite seven digital tools that we rely on to connect with our team, customers and suppliers wherever they are and to improve processes in our business.

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business improvement

Crypto Tourism 101 – learn how tourism businesses can capture a massive opportunity

The ‘Spotlight on Crypto Tourism’ training session will get participants thinking about a new niche for their tourism business that doesn’t require much more than a five minute set-up. It will give them a basic understanding of how blockchain technology and digital currencies present massive opportunities for tourism distribution.  Tourism and crypto currency experts will discuss how peer-to-peer distribution that is enabled by blockchain technology signals a massive change coming down the line for the travel distribution eco system and the potential death of online travel agencies.

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business improvement

What is customer service in 2017?

Society teaches us that fast is better. This isn’t always true, especially when it comes to connecting with clients. Just like your personal relationships need to be nurtured through touch, your clients do, too This post explains how to do it in the digital age.

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