Quick Win Webinar – Live Chat and Direct Messaging


Join Karen Lloyd-Collins, CEO of Chat2 and Liz Ward from Tourism Tribe to explore:

  • How live chat and direct messaging has evolved as a customer engagement and conversion tool
  • Best practice applications and case studies using live chat
  • How AI is improving the use of live chat for customers and businesses

This is a past event. Signing up will provide you access to the recording and other handouts presented during the webinar instantly.

Complementing training session

Training Session - Live chat and Direct Messenging

In this training session we will teach you how to use the best tools to manage live chat, messenger and DMs and leverage AI to speed up the process.

Temporarily unavailable

Tourism Tribe Training Calendar

Tourism Tribe runs many online training sessions: Quick win webinars (informative) and Training Sessions (hands-on, how to sessions).  We also offer training programs which include fortnightly group support calls.
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