Automation essentials: Connecting Forms, Emails, and Data

Master the essentials of automation to connect forms, emails, and data, streamlining your business processes and enhancing efficiency.

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What you'll learn

Designed for tourism businesses looking to streamline operations and improve efficiency, this course will guide you through the fundamental concepts and practical applications of automation tools. You will learn how to set up automated workflows that connect forms, email marketing platforms, and data management systems, allowing you to save time and enhance customer satisfaction.

You’ll receive step-by-step guidance on creating forms using Elementor, covering the basics of adding and mapping fields and connecting forms to popular email marketing platforms like MailChimp and MailerLite. Learn how to configure actions after form submissions, such as collecting data, sending thank-you emails, and pushing information to email marketing platforms. Additionally, you’ll dive into automating data transfers, learning how to use Zapier to automate the transfer of data between MailChimp and Google Sheets. The course includes instructions on configuring and testing zaps, mapping fields, and verifying data accuracy through practical demonstrations.

By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the skills and confidence to implement powerful automation workflows in your business. You’ll understand how to connect various systems and automate routine tasks, saving you time and increasing your overall efficiency. This course will empower you to harness the full potential of automation, transforming the way you manage your business operations.

Course length

Suitable from

Beginner level


Progress at your own pace

Course certificate

Upon completion

Built-in support

Within each topic

Course outline

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